Laying The Groundwork for Failure: Nadler on Mueller Hearing: ‘We Hope It Won’t End Up Being a Dud’ By Susan Jones for CNS News
The hearings “should be interesting,” Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, told “Fox News Sunday.” He said he hopes they “won’t end up being a dud.”
“We want the American people to hear directly from Special Counsel Mueller what his investigation found,” Nadler said:
The president and the attorney general and others have spent the last few months systematically lying to the American people about what the investigation found. They’ve said that it found no collusion, that it found no obstruction, that it exonerated a president. All three of those statements are absolute lies.
It found a great deal of collusion, it found a great deal of — of obstruction of justice by the president, and it found — and it pointedly refused to exonerate the president.
We think it’s very important for the American people to hear directly what the facts are, because this is a president who has violated the law six ways from Sunday. If anyone else had been accused of what the report finds the president had done, they would have been indicted.
It’s important that we not have a lawless administration and a lawless president, it’s important that the people see where we’re at and what we’re doing, what we’re dealing with.
According to the Mueller report, the special counsel and his team found that although there were numerous contacts between the Trump campaign and Russia, the investigation “did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”
Volume II of the Mueller report lays out in great detail those occasions that raise questions about whether the president obstructed justice. However, the report says Mueller’s team “did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct.” The report neither prosecutes him nor exonerates him, leaving those decisions — and many pages of detailed evidence — to Congress.